Crafting Items

Heres where to look out for some of the advanced guides etc...
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Crafting Items

Post by Yukon »

Have updated the CRAFTING Guide. Take a Look.

Click the link below for for info on Crafting Items using the Combination Tab in Armory NPC ... /tier1.htm

What's it about?
Any character in the game can craft or create items. As you would have seen there are some items like ores and pointy hairs etc that u keep getting. They are used to craft items. Check out the guide. Use the find option to look for the item in your inventory so you know what u can do with it later.

Where to use it?
At the Armory, combinations TAB. Use the second set of slots (6 slots together) for crafting.
To see what the combination window looks like click on the Combinations guide.
Last edited by Yukon on Fri Dec 09, 2005 12:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Requeimnh »

anybody started crafing already?
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Wrong combination

Post by Chief »

Wrong combination:
GMs please note this error in the crafting guide:

The crafting guide mentions the following for making
Bone Powder - Bone Shard x 3

It is actually 4 Bone Shards and not 3.
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Cant get this to work!

Post by Vyper »

I am still not getting this!
I've been trying to do the crafting for a while now, but doesnt work. I get msg saying invalid combo or something. Am I doing something wrong?

Even though I still dont even know what it is used for, but I am trying to make "Faf Wood Branch - Pointy Hair x 2, Scale x 2"
I am putting all these 4 things (2 pointy hairs and 2 scales) in the 6 center boxes in Combinations Tab in the Armory. Do I need to do anything else?
Can the guide be made more eloborate, so a few of us noobies can get to use it too??


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Re: Cant get this to work!

Post by Chief »

vypers wrote:I am still not getting this!
I've been trying to do the crafting for a while now, but doesnt work. I get msg saying invalid combo or something. Am I doing something wrong?

Even though I still dont even know what it is used for, but I am trying to make "Faf Wood Branch - Pointy Hair x 2, Scale x 2"
I am putting all these 4 things (2 pointy hairs and 2 scales) in the 6 center boxes in Combinations Tab in the Armory. Do I need to do anything else?
Can the guide be made more eloborate, so a few of us noobies can get to use it too??



Hey i was having the same problem with bone powder and then i decided to try it with 4 instead of 3 and it worked.

So try increasing combination by 1 each. i.e. Pointy Hair x 3 , Scale x 3 might just work.

The guide seems to have a lot of errors.
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Post by Stalin »

Yep, bone powder requires 4 bone shards. However, Faf wood branch require 2 pointy hairs and 2 scales only. Maybe you're placing them in the wrong slot or something.
more info: ... g_home.htm
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Post by Vyper »

Hey TinkerBeast, thanks for that site.
All though I dont think I am doing anything wrong from whats mentioned. What I am doing is putting all four items in the center 6 boxes! And have tried most probabilities!
IF : 1 = Pointy Hair & 2 = Scale, this is what I am doing :
2, , |

1,2, |
1,2, |

Still doesnt seem to work. Infact have tried everything but it doesnt work. I'll try 4 bone shards also to get a Bone Powder. BTW, will anyone be kind enough to explain what do these things do?

And as zchief said, I'll try increasing the combos too. If that works, I'll post it up here.

Any more light on this would be much appreciated. Thanks

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Post by Stalin »

I haven't tried crafting myself so i don't know what you're doing wrong.
Bone powder, stone powder and that branch thing are of no further crafting use. You can sell them for a profit though.
The minerals and the rarer crafting stuff (catalyst, stabalizer) are used to make unique armours and weapons, which i presume are the best in the game. For exact formulas check the site.
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Tried several

Post by Warlike »

Tried several myself- blessing,upgrading lvl and grade. Now those did not work- despte my best efforts.
However i have created several ore pieces (that being the most common) and from those ores i have also created the refined versions.
Ore Piece X4.
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Post by Chief »

Finally I have been able to Craft the Storage Box.

I have it in my Inventory....the damm problem now is I dont know how to use it!!!!!! It just wont open.

Nebody plz help me to open it.

Hey Vypers...for the faf wood branch the following combi worked for me:
IF : 1 = Pointy Hair & 2 = Scale, :
2, , |
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