To The A3 Team

Tell others what you think of A3 so far
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To The A3 Team

Post by Thezeus »

Hi A3,

First of All a very warm Thank You for giving us the opportunity to play the Game (for free). :D

But there are certain matters regarding the Payment Issues as well as other in-game things, that need to be answered by you.

1) Why are you taking so much time to decide what the Payment structure will be? You must be having a certain amount in your mind, then why are you reluctant to tell the A3 community about it?

Is it because, you are waiting for the response of the A3 gamers? And if it is so, then why? I know the answer but, I need the answers from U (A3 people).

2) Secondly you have made a mess of A3, by including the Mercenaries. (its my personal view!). You could have made the game interesting by adding:

a) More Character Classes like rogues, merchants, etc.
b) And you could have created Genders for each Class
c) You could have also created various parameters that could be choosen for the characters, like, hair color, eyes color, hair style. Even though they wear armour, they wud look impressive. It gives a diffferent feel.

But you (A3 Team) took a short way out by including the mercenaries. The concept of having mercenaries, feels good in Turn Based Games, like Heroes of Might and Magic, where there has to be a certain conditions met to keep the mercenaries - like money, lvls, character classes, etc. Here no such things exist. Its just like shue. They are wriggling all around like worms in A3 putting strain on already strained Radyan Server.

All we have now is another shue with skills. Sigh!!!

3) Also A3 team, you say, that the "User Can Log into this Service Till he is Level 999" But my dear A3, I have seen high lvl players above 100+ who have got bored with this current scenario, so who is going to play till lvl 999. Maybe someone who wants to keep on playing this game till the age of 90 will play- Who knows, There might be such Players. :lol:

Also, how u people propose to take them to lvl 999. Have you thought about it? In the current scenario reaching 100 is a big thing. Or you will keep on inserting new and new Hatrel Like Fortresses :wink:

Do you intend to put jump lvls like from 70 to 75 jump. So when a player reaches 100 take jump quest reach 150 lvl and so on :?:

Instead of this let the levels be low, around 150 would be good enough or at the most 175. It will keep the interest alive in Gamers.

4) And hey , the servers LAG 2 much. :evil:

Please Pay attention to these questions. A3 community you are also requested to put forth your views so that the A3 team can understand, what we need and what we dont?

A3 Team Take Note.

Posts: 64
Joined: Sat Apr 15, 2006 8:30 pm


Post by Yudhister »

hi all ,
me agree with u dude plz gms reply and plz reopen grinta as fast as possible i am ready to real cash for that
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