~~ Events ~~

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Joined: Sat Jan 07, 2006 4:19 pm
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~~ Events ~~

Post by Ruthlessrat »

Hello Friends,
As there are no good events taking place from couple of years I just got bored and came up with these events idea. If GMs are interested they can take these events forward, organise and give the gamers a treat !

The first event is Se7en Stars (Aura 5 category) :-

1. It will be best of 3 matches in arena consisting of 7 A5s in a party.
2. There has to be each class of character in a party and there can be maximum of two same class of character in a party.
3. There will be maximum 8 people registering in a team including the team leader, the 8th person can be switched in place of any team member after a match if the team wants to try with the other class.
4. Maximum of 4 g9.5 weapons can be used in a team. The people who will use the g9.5 weapons will have to mention against their name at the time of registration.
5. It will be No Restriction Match !
6. Each team member will be of same town.
7. Teams will initially fight against the other town team. For e.g. if there are 3 teams registering in the event, 1 team from Quanato and 2 teams from temoz, the temoz team will have to fight among themselves first. If there are 4 teams, it’s automatically going to be temoz vs quanato.
8. Match once started cannot be subject to rematch even if 5 members DC together.
9. Decisions of the gamemaster’s will be final.

The second event is Se7en Assassins ( Non Aura category) :-

1. It will be best of 3 matches in arena consisting of 7 Non Aura in a party.
2. There has to be each class of character in a party and there can be maximum of two same class of character in a party.
3. There will be maximum 7 people registering in a team including the team leader.
4. It will be NON DEX match with maximum of 4 g9.5 weapons to be used in one team. The people using the g9.5 have to mention against their name at the time of registration.
5. Each team member will be of same town.
6. Teams will initially fight against the other town team ( as mentioned in a5 category).
7. Match once started cannot be subject to rematch.
8. Decisions of the gamemaster’s will be final.

The third event is Mr & Mrs A3 (161-164 category) :-

1. It will be of 1 match in arena consisting of 2 members in a party.
2. One member has to be male and other female.
3. The total level of two members together cannot be more than 326. For e.g. there can be 2 163 lvl character in a team or 1 lvl 164 and other lvl 162.
4. It will be a No Restriction Match !
5. No g9.5 weapons can be used by any member.
6. Characters can be of any town. No restriction of same town in this category.
7. Match once started cannot be subject to rematch.
8. The decisions of the gamemasters will be final.

Example of Registration for 1st and 2nd category events :-

Team A ( Temoz ) –
B (Leader) (G9.5)
D (g9.5)
G (g9.5)
H (g9.5)
I ( 8th Member)

Please note :- Maximum 4 g9.5 weapons can be used. A member using g9.5 dex and non dex will be counted as 2 G9.5 weapon, thus only 2 more left.

I request the GMs to please conduct these kind of events, with good rewards ( A soul to a team, 4 Graces or 1bill to each team member etc etc). If these kind of events are conducted, people will come online, buy pins and get connected to the server regularly.

Events of these kind should be conducted on Saturday or Sunday in the afternoon time say from 2 o clock so that you have ample time to complete the event nicely and people can enjoy it too.
Posts: 26
Joined: Tue Jun 17, 2014 9:56 am
Class: Mage
Town: Quanato

Re: ~~ Events ~~

Post by Liquedmage »

Yes . I agree with you!
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